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Prevention and Remediation


Cast iron drainage pipes within your build can become very problematic with age. This is usually due to a build up of F.O.G.S ( fats, oils, grease) which is able to cling to the walls of the pipes as they age and the surface becomes rougher due to corrosion. As these F.O.G.S build up the flow of water is reduced which in turn speeds up the growth of the blockage.

Once your system has reached this stage and blockages are beginning to be reported, quite often these blockages are cleared but only temporarily as the whole system has not been cleaned and they are just pushed further down stream.

As these in-building systems are mostly buried in walls or in false ceilings they are hard to access therefore often left and forgotten until its too late.

If you would like a full survey and report on your buildings drainage or know that your ready for a full clean please get in touch for quote.


Corrosion within a fire suppression system can cause many issues but many go unseen until the system is put into use.

  • Tuberculation resulting in reduced pipe diameter of up to 50/60% in some cases which in turn increases friction, leaving the system unable to operate as designed due to the lack of water that can pass through the pipe and also creating a drop in operating pressure.
  • Thinning of pipe walls resulting in pinhole leaks throughout the system.
  • Risk of blockages at the sprinklers due to loose debris within the pipes.

With our epoxy pipe coating these problems can be avoided or cured if already an issue, with minimal disruption compared to a traditional repipe as these pipes are commonly buried in ceiling voids and walls or at high level over working areas.


Potable water systems can often suffer from poor flow caused by tuberculation in iron pipe systems or calcium build up in copper pipe systems, both also resulting in pinhole leaks in your system. Discolouration of water can also be an issue in iron pipe systems.

With our effective cleaning system which takes the host pipe to a, like new state, and then coated with our potable water certified epoxy resin which prevents the build up happening again and sealing any pinhole leaks in your pipes. With eliminating the tubercles this also helps prevent the growth of bacteria within the pipe.

This process can be carried out on single domestic dwellings to large hotels or apartment blocks and many more.


Our epoxy pipe lining can be used as a preventative measure when you are having to regularly replace pipework in industrial applications due to the corrosive substances which are flowing through it. Or maybe in an apartment block where several apartments may have already had leaking pipes on their water or gas lines and pushing up insurance costs for the entire block as it is only a matter of time before another leak.